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A typical day in Ottawa


I'm very lucky to be part of GCI, my high school in Ottawa. There're so many choices concerning the courses and the diversity is real!

Taking grade 11 English is one of the most interesting courses I've taken throughout my student life. The curriculum recently changed and we are learning all about indigenous history and the stories surrounding the community. It is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to fully understand the history of the country by taking this course. I'm also taking "Anthropology, sociology and psychology", which is already helping decide what I would like to study after high school!

The school is much bigger than my school back in France, it, therefore, includes advantages but also disadvantages. Like I said before, the biggest advantage for me is the diversity. Coming from a small town, the diversity is not really there, here at least, people feel free to express themselves, I started to care less about what others could possibly think about me, I've been doing my own thing, by my own, and I've never felt that great! Another advantage is that you meet so many people, ALL THE TIME ! Having different classes with different people at every period is a hard thing to get at first, but empowering in a way!

I started making my own friends, apart from my exchange partner's and started hanging out with them outside of school!

I've also joined a club called TWIGS with one of my friends, talking about climate change and any other sort of issue related to this idea, I enjoy being a part of it, as it makes me feel like I belong to the school more.

I wish I could pursue the education I’m given right now even after coming back to France!


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